25countries currently

Hong Kong・Cyprus・Maldives・UAE・Kiribati・Barbados・

Georgia・Chile・Bolivia・China・Korea・New Zealand・

Singapore・Mongolia・Taiwan・Australia・Bangladesh・Vietnam   etc.

We have (6) correspondence languages (Japanese, English, Russian, Chinese, Korean, Spanish)
Our sale results have increased to 25 countries.
Please get in touch if you are interested in our TAKUMI MOTOR OIL products .
Remember we are always looking for BOTH Japanese and International companies who can become and help form new partnerships .


A performance evaluation of the motor oil and the feedback we get from research and development comes via our involvement in Auto Racing activity. We try to attain quality improvement through our participation in Auto Racing competition in various categories via TAKUMI MOTOR OIL .

The supply of TAKUMI MOTOR OIL to Top Category of Japan Auto Racing

Promotion of image enhancement
Via Research and Development